St. Henry Redskin Classic
St. Henry Redskin Classic
The next race in the Mercer Health 5K Challenge is the Redskin Classic in St. Henry on Sunday, July 5th. The race will feature a new starting time of 8:45 AM. The course is a mixture of St. Henry neighborhoods that provide spectator support with a short jaunt into the country before finishing in front of the high school.
Even if you have not participated in any Challenge races yet this year, you are still eligible to earn a Mercer Health 5K Challenge shirt and year end age group awards by competing in the final six races. Anyone who has participated in both of the first two races are still eligible to earn a half-zip runners pullover at the end of the season by competing in all eight Challenge 5K's.
Entry forms for the remaining Challenge 5K's are available under the Entry Forms tab of this website. Also the current Standings and results from Zuma 5K and Country Fest 5K are posted under the Race Menu on the left.
Special thanks to the Challenge Sponsors: Mercer Health, Independent Capital Management, Innergy Fitness, Cooper Farms, Wabash Communications and the Grand Lake Marathon.